Modification of Court Orders

Modification of Court Orders

Family circumstances can change over time, and with them, the measures established during divorce proceedings may also require adjustment. At Legal Boutique Ibiza, we provide support in the review and modification of court rulings related to child maintenance, custody, or visitation arrangements, whether due to economic, employment, or personal changes.


A court ruling sets out the measures that both parties must comply with, both in relation to each other and with regard to their children. To make any changes to these measures, it is necessary to obtain a new ruling that replaces the previous one.


It is common for parents to reach informal, out-of-court agreements to adjust these measures. However, in the event of conflict or misunderstanding, these agreements have no legal validity and cannot be enforced by the courts. A formal request for a modification of measures can be made when at least six months have passed since the last ruling and there has been a significant change in circumstances.

When Can a Modification of Measures Be Requested?


The most common reasons for requesting a modification of measures include a change of residence that makes it difficult to comply with the agreed custody or visitation arrangements; significant changes in the well-being of the children, either directly or indirectly, or the repeated non-compliance with the measures set out in the existing court order.


Who Can Request a Modification of Measures?


Either party involved in the initial ruling can request a modification of the measures. Ideally, both parties would reach a mutual agreement, as this is the fastest and most beneficial route. However, if no agreement can be reached, it will be necessary to initiate contentious court proceedings to seek a new ruling.


Our team of professionals in Ibiza provides comprehensive advice on the modification of child custody, the most appropriate child maintenance arrangements, and any other queries you may have. We act with full awareness of the emotional and legal significance of these situations, offering a committed service focused on the well-being of our clients and their families.

We specialise in achieving solutions that adapt to new family realities by filing modification requests in accordance with current legislation and the family’s present needs.


  • Review of Custody and Visitation: We request changes to custody or visitation arrangements when new circumstances arise that affect the well-being of the children.


  • Adjustment of Maintenance Payments: We adapt child maintenance obligations to reflect current financial realities, whether due to job loss, increased income, or other justified causes.


  • Changes in Family Circumstances: We provide advice on cases involving relocation, remarriage, or any other significant change that requires a judicial review of existing measures.


  • Judicial Proceedings: We represent you in court proceedings to formalise any necessary modifications before the courts.