delito de amenazas

What is a Threatening Offence and what Types are There?

According to articles 169, 170 and 171 of the penal code a criminal offence of threats consists of issuing any expression that announces the intention to harm another person, their loved ones or collective.   There are several types of threats, depending on the expressions that are used, they can be a crime, as well as their possible aggravating factors. And although it is often not done, they are reportable, so we want to explain everything about this topic. When are threats considered a crime? A threat is the expressed intention of a subject to harm or cause harm to […]

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desahucio en España

Eviction in Spain: Legal Procedures and Rights

Undoubtedly, evictions are an issue of great importance nowadays in Spain. And the fact is that non-payment of rent and conflicts with tenants are very common.   We are going to explain everything you need to know about the process of evicting a tenant step by step, how to start it, how long it will take and other frequent questions that will be very useful. What is an eviction? An eviction is a legal procedure by which a landlord can evict a tenant for non-payment of rent. Evictions are usually initiated when rent has not been paid for months.  

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How to Start a Smooth Divorce: A Complete Guide to Eliminate the Stress and Legal Hassles of Divorce

Divorce rates today are high and it is very easy for people who want to get divorced because they no longer want to stay in their marriage. With divorce rates on the rise, it is important for people to understand how the process works. Whether you want to get divorced or not, it is important to know what you are getting into and how much time and work it takes. Types of divorces in Spain Divorce can be a complicated and costly process. If you are thinking about getting a divorce, you need to know the different types of divorce

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abogado accidente de tráfico

When to Hire a Lawyer for a Traffic Accident?

No one is prepared for a car accident and the impact it can have on your life in terms of damages, expense and inconvenience. It also raises the question of whether an attorney is necessary. After a car accident remember that if you have suffered expenses or injuries you may be entitled to compensation. How a lawyer can increase your compensation If you have been injured or suffered property damage in a car accident, you may have significant expenses. Car accident victims who have legal representation receive higher settlement amounts than those who are unrepresented. An attorney can help you

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como protegerse de las estafas

How to Protect Yourself from Scams

Scammers are getting better and better at getting your money and your personal information. Everyone is vulnerable to falling for a scam, regardless of age or income. No one group of people is more likely to fall victim to a scam than others.   Scams are successful because they catch you off guard when you don’t expect it. Scammers are increasingly using better tactics by taking advantage of new technologies, products or services to create incredible stories that will convince you to give them money or personal information. Ways to protect yourself from scams Be aware of the fact that

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Property purchase and sale management: The whole process from start to finish

Buying and selling a home is a very important moment in anyone’s life. However, the process of buying a home can be long and complicated. Therefore, anyone thinking of buying a home should ask for all the help they have available to ensure success.   Without steps and organisation, the sales process can be time-consuming, frustrating and full of arguments between seller and buyer. But if you are able to optimise the whole selling process you will save time and close the deal faster. Let’s look at the process of selling a property. Step 1: Check if you can obtain

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visa Golden Ibiza

Golden Visa. Investing in Spain and obtaining the residence permit

Spain’s world-famous beaches, delicious cuisine, culture and high standard of living make it a very attractive country to relocate to. Now, thanks to the Golden Visa, people and their families who make an important investment in our country can obtain a residence permit. Who wouldn’t want Spain to be their second home? In most cases, the Gold Visa is issued to investors acquiring real estate. However, it is also available to entrepreneurs who invest in Spanish companies. At Legal-Boutique Ibiza we canprovide you with all the necessary information about the procedure to acquire the Golden Visa Spain. What is Visa Gold Spain?

Golden Visa. Investing in Spain and obtaining the residence permit Read More »

Legal problems you may encounter without a property lawyer when buying or selling your home

Buying a home will probably be one of the most important purchases you will ever make. The same is true if you sell it, both situations raise legal issues that only a real estate lawyer, thanks to his resources and experience, can solve. Although you may think that using a lawyer for this procedure is a superfluous expense, most of the time it is money well spent. It can save you a lot of hassle that could cause you to lose even more than you invested. Read on to find out how a property lawyer can help you close the

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